How To Choose Ski Goggles & Snowboard Goggles In Beginning?

How To Choose Ski Goggles & Snowboard Goggles In Beginning?

How To Choose Ski Goggles & Snowboard Goggles In Beginning

How To Choose Ski Goggles & Snowboard Goggles In Beginning?

Choosing a pair of skiing goggles can be quite confusing, and how to choose ski goggles might be a question mark that keeps circling. There are many options and often we find ourselves submerged with so many choices we cannot make one. In this article, we are going to cover the most important things to look out for when buying a pair of skiing goggles.

Based on your need and choice by features


How to choose ski goggles & snowboard goggles in the beginning? We will go over different features and characteristics and classify them as “must have” “should have” and “details”.

Must have features:

These features, if not present, are a deal-breaker. All of them are necessary and can ruin your time if not met correctly.

Good Frame Fit:

While wearing a pair of goggles, comfort is key. The goal is to find a pair which will fit snugly onto your face, without pinching on your nose or press against your temples. The best way to measure this is to try the pair in-store so you can have a feel of the goggle on your face. Note that it exists different sizes of goggles, ranging from Small all the way to Oversized and Over the Glasses. If your head is on the smaller side, certain brands are known for producing smaller frames.

Anti-fog lens:

Another unmissable feature is the anti-fog lens. When outside in the cold winter, the difference of temperature between our face and the outside weather tend to create condensation, thus the lens fogging up (more on this topic in this article (Hyperlink to Article 2). The two technologies you should look out for are : an antifog film applied on the inside panel of the lens, or a double walled lens. Double walled lens tends to be more expensive but work very well in extreme conditions.

UV protection:

When outside under the sun, we expose ourselves to UV rays. These rays can be damaging to our eyes if exposed without protection. Because our eyes are so important, we need to take great care and protect them. Therefore, you should always look for a lens which will block 100% of UV light. Now adays, almost all ski lenses protect from at least 90% of UV light so it should not be a problem to find this feature, but it is important to keep in mind. When outside, always wear your goggles (even on a cloudy day, UV rays still pass through and can damage your retina).


This part is very personal so we will not go into any detail, just get a pair which you enjoy the looks, because your will be wearing it a lot of the time on the slopes or the backcountry.


Should have features:

These features are a nice addition to the precedent features, not necessary but nice to have. No deal-breaker but definitely worth noting.

Quick change lens system:

Some goggles offer the possibility to swap lenses, to allow adjustments to the weather forecast. This is especially useful because it allows the rider to use only one frame and several lenses, which will be perfectly adapted to the weather. They come in different shapes and technologies, but all allow to save the money you would have otherwise spent on another pair of covered weather goggle.

Quality frame:

A good quality frames goes a long way from a mediocre plastic compound. It is not immediately noticeable but on the long run, a wobbly frame or an easily broken plastic can be an issue if trouble shows up at the wrong time. A nice strong fame will allow for a better face to foam interface, giving more comfort and more security.

Peripheral vision:

Your eyes are the most important sense when it comes to skiing / snowboarding. Having a wide peripheral vision shall help reduce tunnel vision and also provide more security on the slopes as you can see further on the side other riders coming up. A wide peripheral vision also makes for a more comfortable ride as the field of view seems more natural.


One thing any rider wants to avoid at any cost is fog inside the lens. It is usually taken care of by using special coating or double walled lenses. But ventilation helps reducing the temperature difference, thus diminishing the risk of condensation. But not all ventilation is good ventilation. Bike goggles or moto goggles tend to have large vents on the bottom and top of the frame which, if not closed up with foam will let snow and other flying particles into the goggle and your eyes (a place where you definitely do not want them to be).


These features are good to have, but usually all pairs provide good enough quality that you would not notice the difference with a high-end alternative. It is still good to make sure they are at least functional.

Nice foam:

If made correctly, the foam contact point with your face can be made of double layer or triple layer foam. The only thing to look out it is that the foam does not tickle or rub in unpleasant spots.

Goggle strap:

Most (if not all) ski goggle straps do a very respectable jog at holding the goggle tight with your face and your helmet. As long as the strap is strong and with a silicon band in the middle to prevent the strap from falling off the helmet, no worries to have there.

Cylindrical or Spherical lens:

Lenses usually come in two types of shape: cylindrical or spherical lens. The first kind is curved on only one axis (flat on the other) and the second kind looks more like a bubble, with a dome-like curve. The difference for the rider is minimal, essentially the pricing and the style you want to give.

Goggles and helmet interface:

Also called the goggle gap, this only matter when facing extreme conditions such as very low temperatures (We are talking -20°C and below) where the cold wind can infiltrate the inside of the helmet by this little gap and create discomfort. The solution is to get the helmet and the goggles from the same company, they will usually match the interfaces, so no gap appears. Other than that, the goggle gap is mainly a style thing.

Select a certified and trusty manufacturer


There it is, all the advice you need to make the right decision to buy a pair of ski/snowboard googles, we hope you will find a nice pair that will fit your expectations!

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Learn More: Ski Goggle Lens Color Guide: What Color Lens Is The Best?