

Types of Safety Glasses: Four Ways to Choose The Best for You

There are types of safety glasses and we all know wearing safety glasses is the correct way to lower the work-related eye injury risk. However, how to choose suitable safety glasses for your own? There have four ways to select the best safety glasses for your need: hazard condition, lens...


What are safety glasses that go over glasses

What are safety glasses that go over glasses?  They are the protective glasses that can go over on users’ prescription glasses. Go over the glasses function works like the regular safety glasses, they protect users from direct contact from flying objects, hazardous liquids, gasses, or other harmful material. There are...


What Is Safety Glasses?Protective Eyewear with Lens and Frame.

Safety glasses are protective eyewear   Safety glasses and goggles are made to protect user direct contact from flying objects, hazardous liquids, gasses, or other harmful material. The safety eyewear should resist impact and crack from flying objects and hazardous materials. The following occupation should consider wearing the safety eyewear...


Safety Glasses Standards: Guide To Buy A Safety Glasses

Two primary safety glasses standards   According to The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health reports that 2,000 Americans suffer from an occupational eye injury every day, but 90 percent of these injuries can be avoided simply by wearing the correct safety eyewear. However, when one wants to choose...


What Does EN166 Mean? European Standard for Safety Glasses

The eyes account for up to 80% of all our sensory information. Thus, it is of the utmost priority to protect them at all times. As a result, Safety glasses and goggles are compulsory in many factories and manufacturing sites. But how well do they protect our eyes? What requirements...


How To Prevent Goggles From Fogging? Here Are 3 Helpful Tips

Why do goggles fog up?   When you wear glasses or goggles for work or sports, do you often have the problem of the lens fogging up? How to prevent goggles from fogging? First, we need to understand why the lens fogs up? The reason for the fog is that...


Safety Glasses vs Safety Goggles: How to Know the Difference

Safety glasses vs. safety goggles is not a trick question, although they have many things in common. The eye is an essential but extremely fragile organ, so any damage can have serious consequences. Therefore, protective goggles and face shields are essential to protect your eyes when one is working with...


What does Z87 mean on safety glasses?

What does Z87 mean on safety glasses?   Before we get into “What does Z87 mean on safety glasses?” asking ourselves “Why do we need to wear safety glasses?” is a good place to start. Eyes are the window to the soul, letting us see the beauty of life. However,...

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